Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking

We are affordable, but our quality it premium since we have a huge pool of clients Should the Government Ban Smoking There are over 5.5 trillion cigarettes produced globally in each and every year. All over the world smoking of cigarettes is a general activity to relax and over 1.1 billion people, which is over one-sixth of the world’s population smoke.

  1. Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking Cigarettes
  2. Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay

Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking Cigarettes

Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay On Smoking

Thesis Statement For Cause And Effect Essay

In Dubai, there has been an association between tobacco and premature death by leading smokers as well as nonsmokers with cancer. There is a need to ban smoking in Dubai this is because there are many negative effects associated with smoking. Smoking often puts a financial burden on the society, and this burden is continuing to increase over the days (Roleff, 1998).

This paper is going to support the fact that, there is a need to ensure that there is a decrease in smoking in Dubai by banning its use in Public places as well as private residential homes. Firstly, smoking affects the population that lives with non-smokers. It often affects the non-smoker’s health who live with the smoker. In fact, according to the United Nations Health Committee, smoking is the largest cause of preventable death in the world. Research has shown that smoking often undermines the health of non-smokers in many environments.

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